Unix NetHack Version 3.6.6-0 post-release - last build Mon Mar 22 08:47:34 2021 (36ee1849b1932d72a2340233c57701b1274c90ee,branch:NetHack-3.6). Game began 2024-06-22 01:38:31, ended 2024-06-22 08:11:41. Cryingnoob, neutral female gnomish Wizard ----------- ----- |.........| |....# |.........| --------- |...|@ |.........| |.......+ ---- # |.........| |....<..| # ` |.........| |.......-# # ## --------|-- |.......|# #### # --.-.-.--# ###### # ## ##### # ## ## ### *# ### #### # # # ##### `### -----.--.----.- ## `# ###### * # |.....<.......| # ##### ### # |..............## `############## ## |.............| # # # |............(| #---------.------ |%............| #|.........*....| --------------- #-.........*....| |..............| ---------------- Cryingnoob the Evoker St:12 Dx:9 Co:17 In:17 Wi:13 Ch:8 Neutral Dlvl:10 $:0 HP:0(16) Pw:8(8) AC:-17 Xp:1/0 T:12277 Latest messages: Navitang misses the kobold mummy. Navitang misses the kobold mummy. The kobold mummy misses! Navitang bites the kobold mummy. The kobold mummy misses Navitang. Navitang bites the kobold mummy. The kobold mummy is destroyed! You see here a mummy wrapping. Navitang picks up a stone. You see here a mummy wrapping. You have a little trouble lifting U - a mummy wrapping. What do you want to use or apply? [a-ekorsFIKLOQ-S or ?*] o You put a mummy wrapping into the bag. Navitang drops a stone. You are carrying too much to get through. What do you want to use or apply? [a-ekorsFIKLOQ-S or ?*] s You produce a strange whistling sound. Navitang bites the shrieker. Navitang bites the shrieker. Navitang bites the shrieker. The shrieker is killed! You can't move diagonally out of an intact doorway. A gray ooze blocks your path. You hear some noises. You hear some noises in the distance. You hear some noises. You hear some noises in the distance. What do you want to use or apply? [a-ekorsFIKLOQ-S or ?*] o You put 16 gold pieces into the bag. You put an uncursed stethoscope named p10871 into the bag. You put an uncursed towel into the bag. You put a wand of undead turning (0:6) into the bag. The lamp goes out! You put a lamp into the bag. You put an uncursed pick-axe into the bag. You put an uncursed wand called sleep into the bag. You cannot stash something you are wearing. You put a partly eaten lichen corpse into the bag. That would be an interesting topological exercise. You cannot stash something you are wearing. You put an uncursed key named rp into the bag. You put an uncursed magic whistle into the bag. You put an uncursed crude dagger named p8274 into the bag. You cannot stash something you are wearing. You put 2 lichen corpses into the bag. You cannot stash something you are wearing. You put a violet gem into the bag. As you put an uncursed wand called cancellation inside, you are blasted by a magical explosion! You die... Do you want your possessions identified? [ynq] (n) q Inventory: Armor ('[') l - a blessed +0 dented pot (being worn) q - an uncursed +0 cloak of magic resistance (being worn) y - an uncursed +1 pair of iron shoes (being worn) D - an uncursed +0 dwarvish mithril-coat (being worn) N - an uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn) Z - an uncursed +2 Hawaiian shirt (being worn) Potions ('!') T - an uncursed potion of see invisible Rings ('=') P - an uncursed ring of slow digestion (on right hand) Wands ('/') I - a wand of digging (0:3) L - a wand of striking (0:5) Q - a wand of create monster (0:14) Tools ('(') O - an uncursed bag of holding containing 1 item R - an expensive camera (0:48) S - an uncursed leash Gems/Stones ('*') K - an uncursed luckstone Contents of the bag of holding: an uncursed scroll of scare monster Cryingnoob the Wizard's attributes: Background: You were an Evoker, a level 1 female gnomish Wizard. You were neutral, on a mission for Thoth who was opposed by Ptah (lawful) and Anhur (chaotic). You were in the Dungeons of Doom, on level 10. You entered the dungeon 12277 turns ago. There was a full moon in effect when your adventure ended. You had 0 experience points, 20 were needed to attain level 2. Basics: You had 0 out of 16 hit points. You had all 8 energy points (spell power). Your armor class was -17. Your wallet was empty. Autopickup was on for '$"!=/?' plus thrown, with exceptions. Final Characteristics: Your strength was 12 (limit:18/50). Your dexterity was 9 (peak:12, limit:18). Your constitution was 17 (limit:18). Your intelligence was 17 (limit:19). Your wisdom was 13 (limit:18). Your charisma was 8 (limit:18). Final Status: You were unencumbered. You were empty handed. You were unskilled in bare handed combat. Final Attributes: You were haltingly aligned. You were magic-protected. You were poison resistant. You were telepathic. You had infravision. You had slower digestion. You had a large defense bonus (+13). You were guarded. You were lucky. You had extra luck. Bad luck did not time out for you. Good luck did not time out for you. You are dead. Vanquished creatures: a ghost 6 small mimics a large cat 2 watchmen a leprechaun 3 giant spiders a dingo a dwarf lord a gnome mummy a bugbear 2 water nymphs 2 rock piercers a rock mole 2 shriekers 4 gnome lords 2 kobold mummies 2 black naga hatchlings 2 gray oozes 2 elf zombies a straw golem a paper golem 3 giant ants 2 little dogs 7 floating eyes 15 dwarves 3 kobold lords 5 rothes a centipede 4 giant bats a monkey 3 orc zombies 3 dwarf zombies 2 wererats 2 werejackals 6 iguanas 2 killer bees 5 acid blobs 3 gas spores 12 hobbits 6 large kobolds 3 hobgoblins 11 giant rats 2 cave spiders 3 brown molds 5 yellow molds 6 green molds 3 red molds 18 gnomes 3 garter snakes 2 gnome zombies 10 geckos 23 jackals 10 foxes 5 kobolds 6 goblins 3 sewer rats 21 grid bugs 2 bats 10 lichens 8 kobold zombies 21 newts 299 creatures vanquished. No species were genocided or became extinct. Voluntary challenges: You never hit with a wielded weapon. You were a pacifist. You never genocided any monsters. You never polymorphed an object. You never changed form. You used no wishes. The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 10 Level 1: Level 2: A shop, a fountain. Stairs down to The Gnomish Mines. Level 3: "vattal" A general store. Level 4: An armor shop, a fountain, a sink. Level 5: A general store, a fountain. Level 6: An altar, a fountain. Level 7: A grave. Final resting place for Cryingnoob-Wiz-Gno-Fem-Neu, killed by a giant ant. Level 8: Level 9: Many fountains. Oracle of Delphi. Level 10: <- You were here. Stairs up to Sokoban, level 9. Final resting place for you, killed by a magical explosion. The Gnomish Mines: levels 3 to 10 Level 3: Level 4: Level 5: Level 6: Many shops, a temple, some fountains. Level 7: Level 8: Level 9: Level 10: Sokoban: Level 9: Unsolved. Game over: ---------- / \ / REST \ / IN \ / PEACE \ / \ | Cryingnoob | | 0 Au | | killed by a | | magical | | explosion | | | | 2024 | *| * * * | * _________)/\\_//(\/(/\)/\//\/|_)_______ Goodbye Cryingnoob the Wizard... You died in The Dungeons of Doom on dungeon level 10 with 490 points, and 0 pieces of gold, after 12277 moves. You were level 1 with a maximum of 16 hit points when you died.