Unix NetHack Version 3.6.6-0 post-release - last build Mon Mar 22 08:47:34 2021 (36ee1849b1932d72a2340233c57701b1274c90ee,branch:NetHack-3.6). Game began 2024-06-05 21:50:53, ended 2024-06-05 21:54:37. Cryingnoob, neutral female gnomish Wizard ------ ---------------- ###.....| |...........>..| # |...%.# #|..............| -------- # .....|# #...............| |.......## |....|# #|..............| |......| ------# #--------------.- ------- #.F.^...| # ## ##### |.....|####|..Z@f.| # ### # |...<.-# |......| # # # #####......| -------- # # ### ## ------- ### -------# --.-.- ### #------ |+[)%!|# |....| ## #|....| #### |(???.|# |....| # #|.....### ----.--- |.)*=.+# |....|### #...:.| ####.......| |/[=[.| |.....# ------ |......| ------- ------ |.....#| ----|--- # Cryingnoob the Evoker St:11 Dx:15 Co:10 In:19 Wi:9 Ch:12 Neutral Dlvl:4 $:211 HP:0(11) Pw:7(7) AC:9 Xp:1/0 T:790 Burdened Latest messages: q - a lichen corpse. You see here a bronze plate mail. You have a little trouble lifting r - a bronze plate mail. Your movements are slowed slightly because of your load. What do you want to drop? [$a-gijn-r or ?*] r You drop a bronze plate mail. Your movements are now unencumbered. It's solid stone. You hear someone counting money. You find a hidden passage. It's solid stone. You feel tough! You must have been leading a healthy life-style. You hear the footsteps of a guard on patrol. You hear the footsteps of a guard on patrol. You stop. Navitang is in the way! You see here a bronze plate mail. You have a little trouble lifting r - a bronze plate mail. Your movements are slowed slightly because of your load. Where do you want to travel to? (For instructions type a '?') A gecko blocks your path. The gecko bites! The gecko bites! You swap places with Navitang. Navitang bites the gecko. The gecko is killed! Where do you want to travel to? (For instructions type a '?') You swap places with Navitang. A gas spore blocks your path. You swap places with Navitang. You find a hidden door. You hear a gurgling noise. The door resists! The door opens. Where do you want to travel to? (For instructions type a '?') An acid blob blocks your path. Navitang bites the acid blob. The acid blob is killed! Navitang is splashed by the acid blob's acid! Where do you want to travel to? (For instructions type a '?') The gnome zombie hits! The gnome zombie hits! The gnome zombie hits! The gnome zombie hits! You die... Do you want your possessions identified? [ynq] (n) q Inventory: Coins ('$') $ - 211 gold pieces Weapons (')') a - a blessed +1 quarterstaff named p353 Armor ('[') b - an uncursed +0 cloak of magic resistance (being worn) r - an uncursed +0 bronze plate mail Comestibles ('%') o - an uncursed food ration p - 2 uncursed food rations q - an uncursed lichen corpse Scrolls ('?') i - an uncursed scroll of identify j - an uncursed scroll of scare monster Potions ('!') f - an uncursed potion of water g - an uncursed potion of healing Rings ('=') d - an uncursed ring of teleportation e - an uncursed ring of shock resistance Wands ('/') c - a wand of digging (0:8) Tools ('(') n - a magic marker (0:55) Cryingnoob the Wizard's attributes: Background: You were an Evoker, a level 1 female gnomish Wizard. You were neutral, on a mission for Thoth who was opposed by Ptah (lawful) and Anhur (chaotic). You were in the Dungeons of Doom, on level 4. You entered the dungeon 790 turns ago. There was a new moon in effect when your adventure ended. You had 0 experience points, 20 were needed to attain level 2. Basics: You had 0 out of 11 hit points. You had all 7 energy points (spell power). Your armor class was 9. Your wallet contained 211 zorkmids. Autopickup was on for '$"!=/?' plus thrown, with exceptions. Final Characteristics: Your strength was 11 (limit:18/50). Your dexterity was 15 (limit:18). Your constitution was 10 (limit:18). Your intelligence was 19 (limit:19). Your wisdom was 9 (limit:18). Your charisma was 12 (limit:18). Final Status: You were burdened; movement was slightly slowed. You were bare handed. You were unskilled in bare handed combat. Final Attributes: You were nominally aligned. You were magic-protected. You had infravision. You were warded. You are dead. Vanquished creatures: an acid blob a red mold 2 geckos a fox a lichen a newt 7 creatures vanquished. No species were genocided or became extinct. Voluntary challenges: You never hit with a wielded weapon. You were a pacifist. You were illiterate. You never genocided any monsters. You never polymorphed an object. You never changed form. You used no wishes. The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 5 Level 1: A fountain. Level 2: Level 3: Level 4: <- You were here. A general store, a sink. Final resting place for you, killed by a gnome zombie. Level 5: Game over: ---------- / \ / REST \ / IN \ / PEACE \ / \ | Cryingnoob | | 211 Au | | killed by a | | gnome zombie | | | | | | 2024 | *| * * * | * _________)/\\_//(\/(/\)/\//\/|_)_______ Goodbye Cryingnoob the Wizard... You died in The Dungeons of Doom on dungeon level 4 with 390 points, and 211 pieces of gold, after 790 moves. You were level 1 with a maximum of 11 hit points when you died.