Unix NetHack Version 3.6.6-0 post-release - last build Mon Mar 22 08:47:34 2021 (36ee1849b1932d72a2340233c57701b1274c90ee,branch:NetHack-3.6). Game began 2024-05-06 01:25:47, ended 2024-05-06 02:12:18. Cryingnoob, neutral female gnomish Wizard ----- #-...| ------ #|.<.| |....| #|..*. |....| #----- |....| # --.-|-# # #B################## ## # # ####### : # @ d . . . ... ... ----- Cryingnoob the Evoker St:10 Dx:13 Co:17 In:19 Wi:10 Ch:8 Neutral Dlvl:6 $:4903 HP:0(14) Pw:10(10) AC:-2 Xp:1/0 T:5548 Fainted Deaf Latest messages: The coyote misses! The newt bites! The coyote misses! The coyote bites! The newt bites! The coyote misses! The newt bites! The coyote bites! The newt bites! The coyote bites! The newt bites! The coyote misses! The coyote bites! The newt misses! The coyote misses! The coyote bites! The newt bites! The coyote bites! You regain consciousness. The coyote misses! You can hear again. The newt misses! The coyote bites! You faint from lack of food. The newt bites! The coyote misses! The newt bites! The coyote bites! You return to gnomish form! Your movements are now unencumbered. The newt bites! The coyote just misses! The coyote misses! The coyote misses! The coyote bites! The newt bites! The coyote bites! The coyote bites! The coyote bites! The newt bites! The coyote just misses! The coyote bites! The newt just misses! The coyote bites! The coyote bites! The newt misses! The coyote bites! You die... Do you want your possessions identified? [ynq] (n) y Do you want to see your attributes? [ynq] (n) q Inventory: Coins ('$') $ - 4903 gold pieces Amulets ('"') g - an uncursed amulet of magical breathing (being worn) w - an uncursed amulet versus poison Armor ('[') m - an uncursed +0 mummy wrapping X - an uncursed +0 cloak of magic resistance Comestibles ('%') f - 2 uncursed pancakes A - 3 uncursed tripe rations D - a cursed tripe ration F - an uncursed tin of lichen M - an uncursed food ration Scrolls ('?') v - an uncursed scroll of confuse monster Spellbooks ('+') T - an uncursed novel named Wyrd Sisters Potions ('!') q - an uncursed potion of acid Rings ('=') p - an uncursed ring of shock resistance R - an uncursed ring of searching Wands ('/') l - a cursed wand of teleportation named teleport (0:0) t - a wand of magic missile (0:7) u - a cursed wand of sleep (0:6) x - a wand of striking (0:4) y - a wand of digging (0:4) E - a wand of cold (0:4) P - a wand of striking (0:8) Tools ('(') a - an uncursed stethoscope b - an uncursed blindfold d - a blessed oil lamp e - a +0 pick-axe n - a magic marker (0:48) o - an uncursed sack containing 5 items r - an uncursed skeleton key named rsl rpos s - an uncursed magic whistle H - a cursed leather drum I - a tinning kit (0:61) J - a cursed magic whistle U - an uncursed lock pick Gems/Stones ('*') L - an uncursed luckstone N - 2 uncursed aquamarine stones O - 2 cursed jet stones Contents of the sack: an uncursed scroll of light an uncursed lock pick an uncursed skeleton key an uncursed skeleton key an uncursed skeleton key Cryingnoob the Wizard's attributes: Background: You were an Evoker, a level 1 female gnomish Wizard. You were neutral, on a mission for Thoth who was opposed by Ptah (lawful) and Anhur (chaotic). You were in the Dungeons of Doom, on level 6. You entered the dungeon 5548 turns ago. It was nighttime. You had 0 experience points, 20 were needed to attain level 2. Basics: You had 0 out of 14 hit points. You had all 10 energy points (spell power). Your armor class was -2. Your wallet contained 4903 zorkmids. Autopickup was on for '$"!=/?' plus thrown, with exceptions. Final Characteristics: Your strength was 10 (base:11, limit:18/50). Your dexterity was 13 (limit:18). Your constitution was 17 (limit:18). Your intelligence was 19 (limit:19). Your wisdom was 10 (limit:18). Your charisma was 8 (limit:18). Final Status: You were deaf. You were fainted due to starvation. You were unencumbered. You were bare handed. You were unskilled in bare handed combat. You were not wearing any armor. Final Attributes: You were nominally aligned. You were sleep resistant. You were poison resistant. You were level-drain resistant. You were telepathic. You had infravision. You could survive without air. You had a large defense bonus (+12). You were warded. You were a werejackal. You were harmed by silver. You were fast. You were lucky. You had extra luck. Bad luck did not time out for you. Good luck did not time out for you. Thoth was angry with you. You are dead. Vanquished creatures: 5 shopkeepers a watch captain a ghost a large mimic 2 wargs 2 small mimics a large dog 4 watchmen 2 wolves a giant spider a dwarf mummy a bugbear a water nymph a mountain nymph an orc shaman a rock mole a fog cloud 2 yellow lights 2 shriekers 2 gnome lords a gnomish wizard a guardian naga hatchling 2 elf zombies a straw golem a baby crocodile 2 giant ants a floating eye a kitten 10 dwarves 5 homunculi 3 kobold lords 2 hill orcs a rothe a rabid rat a centipede 2 orc zombies a dwarf zombie a wererat a werejackal an acid blob 4 coyotes 6 hobbits 2 manes 3 large kobolds 3 cave spiders 2 brown molds a yellow mold a green mold 2 red molds 15 gnomes 2 garter snakes 2 gnome zombies 3 geckos 9 jackals 2 foxes 2 kobolds 5 goblins 6 sewer rats 4 grid bugs 3 bats 4 lichens a kobold zombie 7 newts 161 creatures vanquished. No species were genocided or became extinct. Voluntary challenges: You were a pacifist. You never genocided any monsters. You never polymorphed an object. You used 1 wish. You did not wish for any artifacts. The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 6 Level 1: Level 2: A general store, an altar. Level 3: A fountain. Level 4: "vaut shop" An untended shop, some fountains. Stairs down to The Gnomish Mines. Level 5: Level 6: <- You were here. Final resting place for you, killed by a coyote, while fainted from lack of food. The Gnomish Mines: levels 5 to 13 Level 5: Level 6: Level 7: Many shops, a temple, some fountains. Level 8: Level 9: Level 10: Level 11: A grave. Final resting place for Cryingnoob-Wiz-Elf-Fem-Cha, killed by a warg. Level 12: Level 13: Game over: ---------- / \ / REST \ / IN \ / PEACE \ / \ | Cryingnoob | | 4903 Au | | killed by a | | coyote | | | | | | 2024 | *| * * * | * _________)/\\_//(\/(/\)/\//\/|_)_______ Goodbye Cryingnoob the Wizard... You died in The Dungeons of Doom on dungeon level 6 with 5023 points, and 4903 pieces of gold, after 5548 moves. You were level 1 with a maximum of 14 hit points when you died.